Saturday, November 1, 2008

Finished! :)

Despite sudden head cold/sinus infection and forecasts of horrible weather (which turned out to be false), I made it through. I enjoyed the first 21KMs, but shortly after the half-marathoners departed the course (like 90% of the people left, I swear!) my left knee started making little pains, which I worked through okay by stretching and walking through the drink stations. The last 6-8KM were quite horrible. I thought I was going to throw up or crap my pants, but luckily neither happened!

I'd chosen to run the Auckland marathon as a personal goal to achieve, but it also coincided with the day my dad died, twenty-five years ago. I knew that would give me a little more motivation to actually pull it off this time. This one's for you, dad, wherever you are...


Dawn said...

Congratulations, Sara. What an awesome achievement. Thinking of you....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In our church bulletin for All Saint's Day November 3, 2008: "Renew our communion with all Your saints, especially those whom we name before you in our hearts...May we run with perseverance the race that is set before us, being surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses......."
You and the Auckland marathon immediately came to mind!
You go Sara Bean!
love, auntie Verdle and also your Dad's sister

Anonymous said...

Way to go Sara!!! We are so proud of you! Fargo has a great
marathan if you are looking for another.

Sara said...

Thanks, you guys! :) I'd recommend it once in a lifetime. It wasn't that bad, just long.

Unknown said...

Wow sister - thanks pretty amazing! Big high five and a hug from the PNW!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! That is so wonderful. Have fun in SE Asia.

Josh and Molly said...

Your picture made me cry. Great Job Sara!

Anonymous said...

once again... i am proud of you. love, shanta