Wednesday, December 16, 2009

More uncanny horoscopes, if you believe in that thing

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): I trust you've traveled all over creation in 2009 -- or have at least exposed yourself to a wide range of novel sights and sounds near your home turf. I pray that you've escaped one shrunken niche, two narrow perspectives, and three low expectations. I'm also hoping that in these last 12 months, you have regularly sought out pleasant jolts and breathtaking vistas that have inspired you to see the big picture of your unfolding destiny. If you haven't been doing these things with the eager abandon you should have, please take the next flight to the other side of the world. Eat unfamiliar food, meet people who are very different from you, listen to strange music, climb a mountain, and get your mind blown.

I think I passed.

In the twelve months of this year, 2009 gave to me:
12 visited countries;
11 months of homelessness;
10 separate flights;
9 different renters;
8 new pairs of shoes;
7 started phone numbers;
6 tubes of mascara;
5 bouts of montezuma's;
4 summer reunions;
3 different jobs;
2 alternators go out while driving;
and 1 new god niece.

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