Friday, December 4, 2009

Bled , Slovenia- backpedalling to the pictures...

Arrival into Slovenia.

Bled. The church had a sort argyle roof. Beautiful.

Walking down to the lake.

The boats which you take to the island in the center of the lake. Rowed by locals.

Good morning ducks.

They're headed to the Church!

Cute old man syndrom strikes again.

And I'm always a sucker for little girls.

Piles of orange fluff. I romped in it like a child. (Y'all know I'm not terribly mature yet.)

Castle and my church. I didn't go to the castle. I thought it was good enough from afar.

I used to think fall meant "death" but I'm changing my mind these last few years. With leaves like these...

Little crystal droplets were everywhere that morning.

Pom pom tree.

The 3.5 mile path was mostly paved but not entirely.


So damn cool!

It was a little cold for swimming anyway.

Love these colors.

Chainsaw conversations. No one died.

My boat to the island. You can tell by the tilt that I was the only passenger.

Happiest rowing man ever. He built this boat with his own hands 16 years ago after the boat his father gave him 33 years ago wore out. Amazing craftsmanship.

Mini-confessional. No privacy here.

Walking down the steps. I just thought it was so pretty.

Side of a tree.

The church on the island up close. They've had marriages here for centuries, but were banned while Slovenia was communist. The marriages started again in 1989.

Nativity scene by local artist.

The island.

I love Slovenia.

I love orange even more.

Neatest wood piles ever!

Train station...

My hostel.

So nice!

Walking into town.


Unknown said...

Dee J. said...

Absolutely stunning photography - I would like to follow you around to learn! love, Auntie dj