Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Riding through the maze of life (in Merano, Italy)

I've felt lately all of life is an obstacle course, and things which would normally be small feel big. The anxiety that occurs when I'm on the edge of a big transition. Or should I say in the middle. Everything is flying at me too fast, and even though I've done this before, I can't control my internal regulators which are saying, hold your breath, pay attention, watch out, run. It feels pretty accurate to say I feel like I am in eternal fight or flight mode. My sympathetic nervous system has taken over controls and will not yield.

But I know the peak is near and soon I will be on the slide down. In about 15 days, I'll have my household goods and car shipped, on the 25th work is finished, and the 27th I fly to Macedonia for the commencement of summer vacation 2011, ten years and eight days after I completed my optometry degree. It seems an apt time for summer vacation and change.

The photos I've attached are from our few hours in Merano, Italy. A town we ran into before driving over the Alps where they rented bikes for free. Joon was behind me on his bike having a gay old time with the camera (unbeknownst to me), so this explains the one-sidedness of the subject matter. I delight in bicycling, since the age of two. Hopefully this summer will bring more rides through unknown places, and meetings with yet-unmet friends. And I promise to write it all down.

So happy to be embarking soon on more travels...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I prefer to think I was having a straight young time.

You are probably touching the side of your neck a lot lately. Don't worry. It's good to be kept on your toes and exhilarating to be riding through the obstacle course of life. I have my own little N helping me stay tippy toe.