Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Flag Day!

Happy Birthday ME!  :)  

Letcha know later how the full day went.  Here's the beginning:

I woke up before 6AM, thinking about Molly coming to visit on Monday and bananas.  Went for a run in the park. Watched the sunrise a little. Stopped at the farmer's market and got lots of veggies to keep them healthy. Took a shower. Fiona came over to pick me up for birthday brekkie. As we were leaving, singing started to come from the big house. It was my landlady, Kate, singing "Happy Birthday" to me out their bedroom window.  After a lovely brekkie of a long black and fresh fruit, I returned home.  Made a few dips for Josh and Molly (better when they sit a couple days) and now going to meet Ursula.  More later!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Sara J.
Have been thinking of it all day long. Molly and Josh will love the veg and dip as they are the healthiest eaters in the whole family.
Have a great time and a great birthday.
love, auntie verdle