Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I fear I'm still in the "grin & bear it stage'!

Thanks to Susan Schriever for sending me the normal stages in adjustment to other cultures. I don't feel so bad about myself now. I'm just normal! Praise the lord! I think these could be applied to other life changes as well.

"Cross Cultural Adjustment"

The first stage is "the honeymoon/tourist stage". During this stage everything is new and fun and exciting.

The second stage is "the critical stage". During this stage the student begins to look at everything critically and begins to be very annoyed by the things they don't really like.

The third stage is "the grin and bear it stage". During this stage the student decides they can cope with the things they don't like.

And the last stage is "the well adjusted stage". During this stage the differences are just accepted as a fact of life and don't bother the student that much.

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