Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Istanbul Grand Photo Finale

I woke up the last morning of the trip, and decided I should maybe have orange curtains too.
Spice Bazaar. I actually stood on the side here and wrote in my journal, kind of as an experiment to see if anyone would bother me. They didn't. Amazing.

My favorite treat. It's roasted pistachios with apricot date filling. Sweets of the gods.

Mmm, instant sugar high.

The only not-nice person in Istanbul. We bought coffee from him. Turkish-style. I haven't tried mine yet, but it's in my purse, ready for a sniff anytime. All the locals were here getting their daily grind.
Another example of a Turk resting.

Spice Bazaar- turkish delight.

Alley way lunch. Sure as heck doesn't look alleyway, does it?
Notice the lack of females. Most women in Turkey spend their lives in the home. I don't think I'd be too good at being a Turk, unless I had a sex change. Probably not gonna happen.
I was sitting right by these sponges, so I couldn't not include them.

Waiting for the airport shuttle, before we realised our watch was an hour slow.

But we still caught the flight...

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