6:24AM Wake up. Check watch. Not time yet.
6:30AM Mechanical greeting from cell phone, "It's time to get up! The time is 6:30." Repeats several times unless press snooze.
6:40AM "It's time to get up! The time is 6:40." Shut off alarm.
6:43AM Get out of bed. Stumble to bathroom.
What to wear? With only five outfits, the thought process goes like this: "Have I worn it yet this week? Does it smell?" Ok then.
Brave mirror (luckily can only see from chest up). Assess hair situation. If sticking up, apply water or hair paste as needed.
Insert contacts or select matching glasses for chosen outfit.
7:03AM Leave house. Walk to coffee shop. Meet same 60 year old lady on her morning exercise walk who wears cool metal magenta or red glasses every day, say "Morning."
Continue walking.
7:18AM Arrive at Kokako coffee shop. Greet Sam the skateboarder barista, "Morning, how are you?"
"I can't complain. Same as usual?"
Pour glass of water. Pick up New Zealand Herald. Select seat for the day. (Do not sit in same place every day, this would be dull.)
7:30AM "Long black" is delivered to my seat in small aqua-blue cup and saucer. (Long black is like an Americano with less water.)
Read paper, people watch, journal.
8:08AM Walk to street crossing. Push button. (If not on time, may be up to 5 minutes wait to cross street.)
While waiting, notice traffic piling up. Think how lucky I am to be walking.
Cross the street and walk up and down several hills through the Auckland Domain (a park) to the University. Admire beauty. Amazed again at lovely commute. Try to avoid psycho groundskeepers who drive riding mowers like Aucklanders drive cars. (Can they possibly mow any grass down at that speed?)
Wonder if I am getting into better shape with all this walking.
8:28AM Arrive at University. Enter building, use badge to get through security and walk up 5 flights of stairs, mildly wiped out. Wonder when it will get any easier.
8:30AM Pick up student/patient roster for the day. Greet front desk staff.
Debrief students. Read email, grade exams, consult, check patients, etc.
12:45PM Lunch. Walk across street to Domain Park. Sit under tree. Read. People watch. Sometimes joined by colleagues.
1:30PM Back at clinic. Walk up stairs. Still out of breathe.
Repeat morning schedule.
5:30PM Go home. Another walk in the park. Or lollygag around town, taking up to two hours to get there, sometimes with Ursula.
Evening Varied. Plop on couch. Read. Listen to music. Research travel destinations. Reflect on the meaning of life. Shower. Wonder what will happen in the next year.
9:30/10:00PM Crawl into single trundlebed. Bedtime.