Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday Night Musings

Sitting in the darkness, streetlight seeping through the crack in the curtains. Charlie's at the kitchen table with a singer-songwriter filling the air. Bailey snoozing on the doormat in his cardinal sweater. We awoke this morning to whirling outside, raindrops and wind chimes intertwined, softly nuzzling us awake from our dreams. Charlie dreaming a song, "Whatever makes you happy". Quickly written down before erased by morning memory. Tea and talking before we hopped in the Suburu to spy on open houses. Can we still be looking for a place? It's been forever since we started. Waiting for stability may never happen. Maybe we have to make it ourselves.

Tomorrow afternoon, orientation with Kaiser, as I've been switched from "at will" employment to "permanent". I wonder how much negotiating I will have to do- if what I've been told will actually be. I gathered information and sought advice from other docs, hoping I have the stamina and luck for things to turn out right. Thankful to be working. Surprised how it is all working out. What a small, strange world that I'll be working with my old coworker, Amber, from Germany, as she moves to Oregon in nine days and starts with Kaiser on the 27th.

We spent the weekend lolling about, mostly drinking tea and coffee and wandering through houses. Finally the weather has returned to the expected Northwestern winter - today in the 50's with rain dripping from the sky, the streets glistening, freshly rinsed off. We still had our hats on though not needed.

The clock is ticking. Life moves forward. Every day is quiet like the last. My patients fill me up. My Charlie is my rock at home. We have it good for now.

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