Sunday, October 14, 2012

Moonlight & Art (Hampton Roads)

 [these are the streets by my house]
 [i love the muted colors of night]

This month, I've been in Virginia Beach, a self-imposed exile to make some money and have a little alone time before I return home to just the two of us. Our roommate Ed is moving out by November 1st, and we'll have the house to ourselves. This means I'll be getting my own room (aka personal creative space), to keep my sanity, and the two of us can work on our life together. We'll be down to just one dog, Bailey, and zero cats. Amen. Amen. I'm not religious but that makes me feel quite thankful. I'm still a little allergic to cats.

I've been working six day weeks, which is definitely not enough free time to have a life. But this is temporary, so no worries. Late at night, while I talk to Justin or my family, I walk the neighborhood streets. This area is safe, and the dimly-lit streets often shimmer with rain as the cool air beckons me to continue my walk.

I'm really enjoying fall.

Since returning to Hampton Roads, I've started up again temporarily with the community band, explaining my gypsy situation to them. They're so sweet. The first night I returned, the conductor said, "Sara Schultz is back from Carolina!" Very welcoming.

With space and time alone again, I've been dabbling in art, mostly colored pastels but a little oil paints. I've got a couple other creative pursuits in the wings which are not yet to be revealed. Good news abounds, and I look forward to this winter and dark nights under the covers.

[driving around Hampton roads today in my self-repaired hat]
 [a rendition of a farm we drove by in PA at the Mother Earth News Fair]
 [this is the orange VW from the Walmart Parking lot]

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