Sunday, April 15, 2012

Inching South: Inaugural Walmart Stop

[Smithfield, NC]

Bailey's the laid back attack dawg hiding in the shadows, watching guard over our mini rig as we stopped in Walmart for a few supplies. Not one camper was in the lot when we pulled in, but about two seconds after we parked, four massive RVs from Quebec (one toting a decked out red Mini convertible) seemed to arise from thin air beside us. I was happy to be in our small set up. We pulled into a campground shortly after the Walmart stop. The first night was not without boo-boos but we managed to hook everything up without burning down the place, thanks to a nice camper lot attendant from Columbus, OH, helping us with the set up. Today we'll head for South Carolina.

1 comment:

Dee J. said...

Calling it "The Long Road South" - maybe filming a documentary?????
I love armchair travelling with you just as much as real travelling.